Many years ago, I was thrilled to have my drink order brought to me in a restaurant by a train that ran along an ingeniously designed track. Even then, I thought that we might see a time when we wouldn’t meet a waiter or a cook in a restaurant and would be served by robots. And recently, a robot did indeed bring me the drink I ordered. Fortunately, only as an assistant to a live waiter. But that may soon change. And not just in hospitality, but in many other industries. On the other hand, there are constant new needs for innovation and, along with technological developments, new professions are emerging that weren’t around yesterday. So, let’s look at the job market through a futuristic lens.
Jobs of the future as a results of major trends
Ford Austria, Deakin University and Griffith University jointly developed a research project “100 Jobs of the Future” that aimed to look at the future of work in an increasingly technologically-driven society. They investigated major global trends such as technological disruption, scientific innovation, climate change, globalisation and population changes. Besides, they also explored changes that will occur in key industries and created a set of jobs that will emerge in the future as a result of these changes. Moreover, they also research which skills and interest will be needed for these jobs. Finaly, the joint team identified 100 jobs that represent key work futures in major industries and domains and also designed a “job explorer tool” called Future Job Quiz to help people think about work futures.
You may be wondering if such a thing is important to you if you already have your career path clearly mapped out. Considering the fact that according to “The Future of Jobs Report 2020” 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025 and 40% of existing workers’ core skills are expected to change in the next 5 years, these careers may be not an unrealistic future for you.
Jobs of the future that might be a mystery for you today
Let’s take a look at three of the jobs of the future to unveil the veil of mystery:
- Bio-jacker: Bio-jackers will be generic engineers, undertaking precision genome editing of plants and animals, including humans. They will work in teams and will need to be able to collaborate with other professions such as genetic coaches and healthcare workers. Training in advanced bioethics and genetic diversity practice will be needed for them.
- Fusionis: Fusionists will use design approaches to bring together professionals from art, engineering, research, science and other disciplines to create innovative ideas and solutions to complex problems. They will need to be excellent communicators, able to understand technical concepts and have well-developed organisational and project management skills.
- Memory optimiser: Memory optimisers will augment people’s working memory capacities through digital implant technologies and judicious memory erasure. They will need to be specialists in cognitive psychology with educational backgrounds in biotechnology and brain structure.
Using these three professions as examples, it is clear that skills such as analytical thinking, communication and collaboration skills and emotional intelligence will be valued more than ever in the future. These skills will be needed alongside technology skills and the ability to combine knowledge from different disciplines. Are you ready for the labour market of tomorrow?
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. The Future of Jobs Report 2020. October 2020. Available at:
100 Jobs of the Future Report. Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited & Deakin University. 2019. Available at:
EUROPEAN COMMISSION. European Skills Agenda. Available at:
Author: Team AVITEUM, Prague / Czech Republic

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