Let’s collectivize knowledge and tools! Let’s create more resilient work alternatives!
Transit Projectes invited adult educators and interested citizens to take part in a workshop at the Convent Sant Agusti in Barcelona on 5th December 2023. With reference to the project’s topic: “Fresh Up Work” was the title and focus of the event “Building new labour imaginaries: laboratory of mutant economies”. People from diverse backgrounds came and followed the instructions of the facilitators, the collective La Creatura Feminista.
In the beginning was the whole project and parts of the learning platform presented. Transit Projectes was in charge for creating audio visual material (introductory videos for each course, content videos for the parts of the courses) so that own courses were not presented. The workshop ‘journey’ encompassed two activities: An introduction to Resistance Management and a Speed Dating of projects.
By this, the workshop was a support programme to promote and strengthen independent and self-managed projects led by women, trans*, and non-binary people. The participants could explore resources for support and care in the face of structural violence that marginalizes and excludes a part of the population. They addressed the barriers and challenges that women, dissidents, and migrants face in the labour market. In a further step, the facilitators offered tools that make it possible to create joint strategies of resistance to social and cultural discriminations in the field of labour that hinder professional, personal, and creative development.
Within the framework of the project “Fresh Up Work” it was therefore possible to put (partly) in practise a laboratory for constructing new understandings of labour, researching and making experiments with transfeminist methodologies, but also creating new projects of independent and community entrepreneurship on one side. On the other one, it allowed to create a network of mutual support where to receive and share experiences and professional support, as well as provide advice in terms of labour contexts, administrative and even health questions´.
The event ended up with an informal networking and enjoying the appetizers!